This site features hummingbird themed items for your backyard, patio or garden categorized for your shopping convenience.

Hummingbird themed items for your backyard, patio or garden.

For more information about each item, simply click the photo or link.

Decorative Items | Birdbaths | Hummingbird Feeders | Outdoor Furniture
Wall Plaques | Stepping Stones | Sundials | Weathervanes | Wind Chimes

Decorative Items

Hummingbird Wall Fountain with Pump

Hummingbird Wall Planter

Hummingbird Plant Swing

Hummingbird EyCatcher

Triple Hummingbird Spinner

Old Fashioned Whirligigs Hummingbird

Hummingbird Welcome Sign

Hummingbird Antique Bronze-Style Planter
16 inch

Hummingbird Banner

Hummingbird and Flower Banner

Hummingbird Windwheel

Hummingbird Sandstone-Style Planter
8 inch

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Copyright©2007 by Cheryl A. Smith