Monsters, Myths & Mysteries: A Tangled Tour Maze Book These magical, mysterious creatures and places will fascinate children and so will the fun and elaborate color mazes, each set inside the shape of a highlighted mythical being.
Charlie & Wilbur's Dinosaur Mazes Charlie the Crocodile and Wilbur the Turtle wander through caves, up hills, near red-hot volcanoes, and by the cool sea, they'll unravel mazes about the beasts they see.
Easy Dinosaur Mazes These 37 dinosaur mazes are geared toward 4- to 8-year-olds and include solutions.
Little Monster Mazes The cutest little monsters you ever saw have places to go — and you can help them get there! Put them on the path to happiness with these 48 great mazes.
Fun Farm Animal Mazes Farm animals are eager to get to where they want to go. You can help! And when you're finished, you can have even more fun by coloring the large pictures that accompany these 30 mazes.
QuestMaster: Heroic Maze Adventures
Mega Mazes
Maze Mania
Maze Craze: Magician's Castle
Maze Madness: Truly Tricky Mazes
QuestMaster: Mysterious Maze Adventures
Wildlife Mazes : An A-Maze-ing Colorful Journey into the Wild!
Armchair Puzzlers: Mad Mazes
Amazing Magic Mazes: Egyptian Mazes : A Tomb-Raiding Adventhure
Amazing Magic Mazes: Pirate Mazes : A Swashbuckling Adventure
Child's Play Mazes: Animal Adventure Mazes
Hidden Picture Mazes
Picture This! Mazes
An Amazing Magic Mazes: Haunted Castle Mazes : A Spooky Adventure
An Amazing Magic Mazes: Jungle Mazes : An Amazon Adventure
Maze Madness: Mind-Melting Mazes
Maze Craze: Magical Forest Mazes
Maze Craze: Detective Mazes Go through the mazes to follow a tangled trail of clues with the super sleuth as he tries to crack the crime.
Maze Craze: Dinosaur Mazes Dinosaur-crazed children will love using their maze-solving skills to find fossils of their favorite prehistoric animals.
Maze Madness: Super Fun Mazes Each maze has real kid-appeal, with lots of bright, engaging elements in the picture.
The Best of Puzzlemania Mazes Ages 4-8
Easy Animal Mazes Forty-six fun-filled mini mazes let youngsters show a friendly creatures how to get where they want to go.
Magical Mazes Ages 4-8
Monster Mazes A single story runs throughout this book, as you make your way through a moster filled mansion.
Fascinating Mazes Unusual collection of 36 mazes — loosely based on themes from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Hidden Treasure Maze Book Challenging mazes accompanied by tales of adventure.